Friday, September 11, 2009

hey there

Hi there,

I know I haven't blogged in two days, I been a little busy with school. That is expected when you go to college I just didn't think I would get so busy so soon after starting.

My history textbook came surprisingly fast so I can start reading the thirty pages that have to be read this week, I've got 28,5 pages to go.
I have some homework problems for my math class, but any competent 13 year old could probably solve all the problems. Not very intense but it has to be done, NO PROCRASTINATION !!!!
I have to buy Lego blocks for Visualization, no I'm not building stuff, well I am but that's not the point, I think we'll be drawing or sketching  it. I would post my sketches but let's just say I don't like charcoal especially when drawing mannequins that look like zombies. Hopefully I'll upload some other art work, if it's decent enough.
Last night I finally had my first Architecture course, we had to draw a 1" x 1" grid  on a 3" x 3" on two papers. You had to make cuts on the lines so that the two papers could  interlock but it still had to be 3" high 3" long and 3" deep. I'll try to upload some pictures so you get a better idea of what I'm talking about. I now have to make 3 more of these by Monday, but it has to be on a 5" x 5" piece.

I hope to scan and/or take some pictures of my projects in the future so you can see what I'm up to and give me some suggestions and/or critique it.
Take care and have a wonderful shabbos, Mo


  1. If I can't do math that a competent 13 year old can, what does that make me? You get to do Lego in school. I'm officially jealous. Then again, I get to act, listen to piano and do yoga-ish stuff so why am complaining...

  2. you do yoga in school??? this i gotta see! then again...maybe not!
